"Candle In The Wind" by: Elton John

Our Memorial Service !!
Saturday July 1, 2000

Saturday was a very emotionally draining day. With the planting of the maple tree, sharing our children's stories during the afternoon, and then the memorial service Saturday evening. Even though it was such an emotional day, I feel there was a measure of healing that took place.

The memorial service was especially emotional. The names of about 300 children from PoS and from SOLOS were divided amongst us and we each took turns reading the children's names until the list had been read completely. With each name you could feel the pain and the loss that each parent feels for their child.

Patty J., Carol P., and Karyl make preperations for Our Memorial Service by dividing the children's names for each of us to read.

Mary Lou's husband Wlat was our "Master of Music" for Our Memorial Service. I might add that Walt did an excellent job with the music. Thanks Walt !!

During Our Memorial Service I did not take any pictures. Once the names began to be spoken out loud the atmosphere was one that is indescribable. Besides sensing the pain and loss of each parent there was a feeling as if each and everyone of our children were right there in the room. To me it was an awesome experience that I will never forget.

During Our Memorial Service one lone candle was lit in front of The Butterfly Tree. One candle, one flame burning brightly for all our children. At the end the flame was snuffed out just as our children's lives were snuffed out by this beast called suicide.

My Child

Would that I could love you more
But, alas, I know not how.
For it tis with my whole being
That I love you now.

© Beverly L. Carson
Stephen's Mother

© 2000 L.E.C.